Family photos

Our Trip to Maine

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We spent Memorial Day weekend in Kennebunk, Maine for our cousin's wedding. I fell in love with the town and even more so with my husband's family that we spent the weekend with. For years, he has been telling me about the Jago-side cousins that he grew up with and I finally got to meet them! Words cannot explain how wonderful this weekend was, especially after losing our dog the night before our trip. We came back home refreshed and excited to know that more family is just a drive away. These are some pictures from the weekend. Maine1This was our cute, little cottage.MaineBlog-8395Getting settled in.MaineBlog-8400Breakfast at a local eaterie w/ family. I had lobster with scrambled eggs. Maine is pretty much seafood heaven.MaineBlog-8413We love the beach and it was neat seeing a different type of terrain than what we've seen in both East and West Coast beaches.MaineBlog-8498The water was cold but that didn't stop Kaiden and his cousin from bulding sand castles.MaineBlog-8417I love that they are best buds.MaineBlog-8445"Skye, let me take a picture of you!" And then she posed like this, haha.MaineBlog-8456MaineBlog-8428Cora with her granny and pop pop.Maine3MaineBlog-8471Maine2MaineBlog-8437MaineBlog-8502See what I mean about seaside? The houses were goregeous.MaineBlog-8505We got ripped off on this lobster roll and chowder but it was good!MaineBlog-8515They are all ready for the wedding! This is about as dressed up as we get.MaineBlog-8519The wedding venue was gorgeous.MaineBlog-8520MaineBlog-8532Second cousin love.MaineBlog-8548Ethan with his cousins. They are all so beautiful!MaineBlog-8552MaineBlog-8577More Jago-side family.MaineBlog-8553Me and Cora Bora.Maine4MaineBlog-8597The day after the wedding we had a BBQ with the family. It was nice to just relax and hang with everyone.MaineBlog-8606The guys played some ball. They called me out so I could take a pic of Ethan in his short shorts, lol. These are common in his career field and other special ops career fields. If you didn't know, now you know, ha!MaineBlog-8612And a family pic (minus a few families.)There ya have it! We love Maine and can't wait to go back! :)

Our Family Photos

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A few days ago, I posted pictures that I took of my friend, Kira, and her family. What I failed to mention was that she took our photos a few weeks ago when Skye was just a few weeks old. We decided that  Skye's nursery was the perfect place to take them! Initially, she has suggested one of her "Unscripted Sessions." The goal of those sessions is to capture your family as you are in your home...buuuuuut I found myself tidying up the house, coordinating outfits and basically doing just the opposite. I laughed when I told Ethan that if we were to be truly unscripted, one would see baskets of laundry waiting to be folded and Kaiden would be running around in his diaper. Let me just says that Kira did a wonderful job. You can't even tell how chaotic that morning was. Kaiden was not cooperating (but let's be honest...when it comes to photos, when does he ever?) and there were many times where Skye was fussy and needed to be consoled. But this is why Kira rocks at what she does. She is a mom too and totally understands the needs of children. She was patient and worked around our chaos, still managing to beautifully capture our family of four. Thank you, Kira! I adore all of these photos!

Rosenboom Family Photos | Travis AFB Family Photographer

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About two Saturday's ago, I had the opportunity to photograph this amazing, little family. I still can't believe that it was only about five months ago that their tiny Logan was born.When we visited them at the hospital, I snapped a few pictures of him and you can easily see how much he has grown since. We decided to keep the session in the comfort of their own home since Logan is still little and the weather here (and wind) in California is so unpredictable. I'm so glad we did because you can clearly see how relaxed and comfortable they look in all their pictures. I personally think sometimes it's best just to keep the location and setting simple, so that you can really focus on the main subject -- in this case that is the love and happiness reflected in the Rosenboom family. Thanks, Mark and Andrea, for allowing me to photograph such sweet moments!